Jessica, 14
Submitted Nov 13, 2006
Have met my father Jessica has met her father
Decided to not stay in contact Jessica decided not to stay in contact with her father
My father has a new family Jessica's father has a new family
When I was 10 years old I lost my fater.
He was unfaithful to my mother and he had misused a young girl. The police came to our house and took my father.

Two weeks later, he came out from the remand prison and our family was about to get destroyed.

He lied to us.

He moved to stockholm. I hate the feeling to know that my father has deceived me my whole life; that the person I thought was my father, actually was a completely different person.

Now it was four years since this happend but i remember it like it was yesterday. I don't have any contact with him now, because I'm scared.
Now he got a new family and he don't need me anymore. I hate him.

Sometimes he calls me, and he is just so angry and makes me cry. He always tries to make me feel like it is my fault that it is like this, but I haven't done anything wrong.

I hate him, but I miss having a father.
I dont like the life without a father.

Sometimes when I'm sad I feel like I'm the only one in the whole world without a father - but this page shows me that I've been wrong about that...

Sometimes I feel really weak, and I really need somebody to talk to -
So if it is somebody who wants to write with me, send me a messege!
Jan 24, 2007, Bethany wrote:
I am so sorry that your father deceived you and scares you. There are so many times in life when fear grips me. I feel very weak, just as you had mentioned. But when that happens, I remember that I have a Father in heaven (God) that promises to never leave me, nor forsake me. He gives me strength to carry on. And though there are things in this world that do not make sense, I know that He is the only thing good and the only one that is faithful. I would love to share with you some words that I read from the Bible that encourage me, if you are ever interested.
Feb 04, 2007, Emelie wrote:
Lilla vän, det gör mig så ont att läsa vad du har skrivit, men du måste veta att inget någonsin har varit eller är ditt fel. Man kan aldrig veta varför människor gör som dom gör och kanske är det bäst så. Men du måste fråga dig själv om det är DIN pappa du saknar, eller bara en pappa. Så är det för mig, jag har alltid velat ha en pappa, bara inte min egen. Tänk på alla dom som älskar dig, din mamma, kanske syskon, vänner, annan familj. Dom kan alldrig fylla tomrummet, men dom kan lindra särtan mer än man tror. Ta hand om dig.
Feb 09, 2007, idah wrote:
hej, jag förstår precis din känsla. min pappa är schizofrein och slog min mamma och mig när jag var ett litet spädbarn så mamma var tvungen att fly. när jag var runt 6-7 år berättade min mamma att Björn (hennes man) inte var min pappa.. det kändes som om hela min värld skulle braka samman. jag förstod inte riktigt vad mamma menade när hon förklarade för mig att han var sjuk så jag började skriva brev till honom. jag skickade ett tiotals brev i månaden till honom och jag var inte speciellt duktig på att skriva så jag målade ofta tomma svarta hål och postade. men han svarade aldrig. det gjorde så att det stora svarta hålet inom mig växte större och större och idag hatar jag honom.. men precis som du säger saknar jag att ha en pappa... jag har aldrig riktigt accepterat mammas man, JAG VILL JU HA MIN PAPPA! jag vet inte hur det är att få krypa upp i pappas knä och säga "hej pappa, jag har saknat dig".. jag saknar någonting jag aldrig haft. tycker du att det är sjukt? kramar idah
Apr 04, 2007, Simone wrote:
i am so sorry to hear the news, i know what it feels like to have a father you thought was someone and is completly someone else, and as bad as they are to have inyour likfe cause they are full of letdowns you just miss the family functions, don't they know how much we needed them and how they have destroyed us and made us feel unloved and resentful
Jun 19, 2007, Emma wrote:
Jag känner igen din situation, jag har inte heller någon pappa. Om du vill prata så gör jag det gärna! Sköt om dig.