Lola, 27
Submitted Nov 15, 2006
Have met my father Lola has met her father
A couple days ago I invited my father and his wife to lunch. They always asks the same questions: Have you talked to your mother? And I always answer the same: No, she has been so mean to me so I don't want any contact with her.

It was not a nice meeting. It seemes like I'm not good enough for them. I don't want to see them again for a while...

I grew up whitout my father, we had little contact. I was scared of him, he was'nt very nice to me. He always had something else to do when I went to see him. I belive he is not so good with children and insecure persons. For many years we did'nt meet at all.

But a year ago my father and I talked and though it was a unnatural situation for both of us it was a nice talk. I had a boyfriend then and my father really liked him. That made things much easier. But when my boyfriend and I broke up, the situation became the same as it was before. Now I'm sick of my fahter and his behaviour.