Johanna, 12
Submitted Jan 25, 2007
Have met my father Johanna has met her father
My father has a new family Johanna's father has a new family
My dad is that kind of person who really doesn’t care about me or my other siblings. He have many children all with different mothers. Some of my siblings I have never met. It’s really sad.

He always leaves me when he gets a new girlfriend it is like I don’t exist.

My dad moved to England and lived there for a long time, he only called me maybe twice and never sent me anything for Christmas or my birthday. Sometimes I didn’t see him for 6 years.

Last time I saw him was when me and my cousins were up on a ridningcamp in the summer of 2006 and me and my oldest cousin, Daniella, got sick and so my dad picked us up since he lived around there. While we were at his place, Becca, my youngest cousin was still at the ridningcamp and when we were at my dad’s house it was kind of fun in the beginning and he talked and started to care a litle bit more about me.

Me and Daniella had soo much fun there, but after my little cousin Becca came back from camp, everything was horrible. I can’t blame Becca since she really didn’t do anything on purpose.

My dad was treating Becca liks his own daughter, he totally forgot about me. He was joking around with her and was having fun. When I started to cry since I was upset he said: ”How old are you? Do girls at your age really cry? Stop being such a baby.”

After that I told Daniella and she said that he was acting like a total jerk, which was true. Me and Daniella lied to my dad and said we were homesick and missed our moms so we asked Daniellas mom to pick us up since mine was working. When I got home I was soo relieved.

I have a wonderful mom at home, who loves me. I hope my dad will change, I really do.
1 comment:
Mar 12, 2007, penguinofdeath wrote:
"He always leaves me when he gets a new girlfriend it is like I don’t exist." I really feel sorry for you. The quotation makes me think of my own father, such a bastard. But don't let him ever make you sad, turn the sadness into rage instead.