Lina, 14
Submitted Feb 4, 2007
Have met my father Lina has met her father
My dad said that he would go on a fishing holiday with some friends. But the truth was that they were on their way to London to do some bank robbery. My dad was sentenced but he managed to flee to USA. He made some enemies there and sent me a letter, in which he said that he might die, that it was a misstake to get me into this world and if he could he would end my life.
Feb 17, 2007, wrote:
Don't belive a word he's saying.
Feb 26, 2007, yapame wrote:
Hi Lina!

I get so upset! I agree, don't believe a word! Have you told this to any adult that you trust? You should not go with this alone! Find someone to talk about it with! And remember that your pride over yourself doesn't need to have to do with him!