Yanalu, 27
Submitted Feb 4, 2007
Have met my father Yanalu has met her father
I met my father a few years ago and the meating did not go as I expected. I first received an angry e-mail  after writing to him, where he "explained" how he had a family and that he never wanted to have a child with my mother and that she set him up.

He also wrote that he had never thought of me as his biological child and that he would not answer any further attempts of contacts. That just made me eager to met him face to face. When I knocked at the door of his classroom (yes he’s a teacher) he just froze since I look a lot like him. I told him who I was and we spoke for a few minutes until he said "this is enough" and walked out, I tried to go after but stopped after a while.

I was really hurt, I thought we where going to if not become friends, at least talk for hours. I had so many questions and I needed an explanation for his actions. I got nothing, just a really cold person walking out of my life, again.

I have huge problems in my personal life, when it comes to realtionships I have difficulties to trust my boyfriend, and people in general.

I see a bright future and I believe I am not letting my father screw up my life as much as before. I have a great boyfriend with good values which makes me secure about myself. Too bad my daughter has a horrible rolemodel in her grandfather. I will tell her the story some day.