Veronica Lindström, 45
Submitted Oct 2, 2011
Have met my father Veronica Lindström has met her father
Decided to not stay in contact Veronica Lindström decided not to stay in contact with her father
Grew up with, never felt loved Veronica Lindström grew up with her father but never felt truly loved
My father has a new family Veronica Lindström's father has a new family
I grew up with my father and mother and I lived together with them until I was 23 years old. When I was 13 years old, I realized that something changed. My father stopped care about my mother and I guess he stopped care about me too.

During my teenage years, my father was the dominant in our family and he controlled my life choices. I was very frightened of him because he was always shouting and screaming. For long times I was also very scared of men and I didn't have any good self esteem. When I was 23 years old, my father divorced from my mother and he got a new family. First I thought that I was welcome in his new family and I tried to stay in contact, but after many years of trying, I realized that he had divorced from me too. Today I am 45 years old and I live in the same city as my father but I do not want to have any contact with him. He does not care about me or how I am doing. All his time he spends with his new family. His new wife has two children and they now have three parents; their mother, their father and my father. Those two children do not have any understanding of my situation, so that is why I do not want to have any contact with them.

I have no sisters and no brothers, no children of my own, but I have a boyfriend and my mother that I love very much.